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The Lodis Forum is a rare and transparent collective of like-minded women. All members are Chairs, Vice-Chairs, Lead Directors, or Committee Chairs.
Currently, there are no federal rulings that mandate firms have women on their boards. The assumption is that Women Board Chairs or Vice-Chairs are rare in firms, and this presents us, as a forum, with a unique opportunity of influence.
Women in Board Leadership Survey

Since private company boards are not required to report board diversity metrics, The Lodis Forum completed a survey to gather data on board diversity in privately held companies. The survey data is from 249 companies representing 1695 directors.
Expanding on the gender diversity study completed in 2021, the Lodis Forum launched a new survey to look at board compensation and gender diversity. The survey will be available in the fall of 2023.
About The Lodis Forum
Women in Board Leadership roles are few and far between. At The Lodis Forum, we believe that no one should do this job alone. Our primary purpose is to support our members in the pursuit of governance excellence through our monthly expert series. Secondarily, we focus on creating peer support and a network of like-minded women who are Chairs, Vice-Chairs, Lead Directors, or Committee Chairs. Lastly, we focus on research and advocacy. We believe that board diversity is paramount, and putting women in board leadership roles is critical to support diversity efforts.